The creation of this Web site would not have been possible without the time and talent of numerous people who contributed ideas, photography, designs, writing and support. We'd like to specifically thank the following:
Lorrie Ide, for design and contribution of our Villa pillar logo Darcie Wadycki, our resident historian, for the historic Villa materials Gordon Walek, for most of the photography Ruth Mugalian, for most of the website content The Villa Historic Committee, for all the fantastic work they did in conjunction with achieving Landmark status. The Villa 90th anniversary book they produced is a valuable resource which we frequently consult. The VIL officers and the committee members for making this a great neighborhood. Tom Drebenstedt and the Chicago Architecture Foundation for inspiring us to create the walking tours. Katharine Wolanyk, our amateur webmaster.
We hope you enjoyed visiting our website. Any errors or omissions in the website are unintentional. Please let us know if you have suggestions or corrections by emailing us at Thank you.